Go to http://localhost:4502/etc/beeboxTranslation.html
- Select any page from the content in the tree panel displayed on the left side of the console.
- On the right side of the console, all the immediate subpages of the selected page are displayed which can be added to the basket either to request for quotation or to request for translation.
- Click on the basket icon of the page that needs translation.
- Now the content is uploaded to Beebox for translation.
- Polling occurs for every certain interval of time(mention in polling management console) to receive quotation and translation import jobs.
- Or we can poll manually by clicking on Check Status button.
- Once the page is translated, its status is changed to Translated and the translated page is created in the content.
- After the page is translated, if source content of the page is edited then the page status becomes outdated.
- When the target content of the page is edited after translation, the page status is changed to Translation(Edited).
Next Section: Modules/Functionalities