General Settings Tab of the New Order Form
The General Settings Tab of your custom order form is where you will configure the word count profiles, resource groups, workflows, project, and invoicing information for the user option.
Please see the following sections to learn more about configuring this portion of the user option settings:
To choose a specific word count profile for the client for the option, click on the drop-down menu and make a selection. If you cannot find the right profile or one has not been created, click on View Profiles to see current word count profiles in the system. In this example, the Acme Word Count Profile has been chosen.
First the system will use the translation memories to pre-translate texts and then the Machine Translation System will be used to pre-translation translate any texts that were not translatable via translation memory. By default, no Machine Translation System is selected for the user option.
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At least one Machine Translation System must be configured to be see selection options in this drop-down menu. To learn more about configuring this information, please see the Machine Translation Systems Settings /wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/711232 section of the documentation. |
To make a selection, click on the drop-down menu and choose the Machine Translation System you want to use for this specific user option. If you need to view, configure, or make changes to this information, click on View Systems to the right of the menu.
A document format profile may contain multiple format formats such as Word, XML, PDF, etc. and text extraction rules may be defined for each.The client will be able to choose what file type applies to each uploaded file when multiple file types are present in the profile. If none is selected, then the system will use a Default Profile.
Next, an option is provided for limiting the size of files that may be uploaded for a client order. The default setting for this option is 500 MB per file and is the maximum allowed file size. The default number of files that may be uploaded for an order is 10.
These values may be changed within the Uploaded Files Limitations setting; however, please note that the file size may only be decreased, as 500 MG is the maximum file size within the system.
To change this information simply click on the field and type the desired value or use the increment/decrement arrows to the right of to change the current value to change it by one1. For example, if you want to limit the file size to 200 MB and only allow the client to upload up to 5 files, this setting would appear as shown below:
- Accept Any Type of Files - Sometimes the client will need to upload a file that is not handled by Wordbee, but imperative to the order. For example this might be a reference material or other item that does not need to be translated, but is necessary to understand or complete the order. In these situations, this option should be ticked.
- Errors - Not Visible to the ClientBy default errors ar not visible to the client. This particular configuration setting informs the system to show error details in the internal comments field on the order. If it is not enabled, then there will be description no descriptive information when an error has occured. By enabling it, the internal managers, etc. are able to see what went wrong and correct the problem easier.
Anchor Skip Counts & Costs Step Skip Counts & Costs Step - Skip Counts & Costs Step - This is an important option as what is chosen here will affect later configuration settings in the Costing section on the General Settings Tab. If this option is enabled, then the client will not be shown a preview of the costs and the word count process will be skipped. This might be necessary in situations where you want to send a quote to the client after the order is submitted. When disabled, the client will be shown the costs before confirming the request.
By deault, these settings are disabled (not ticked) in the form confiuration. If one or more of these settings have been enabled, the option configuration will appear as shown below:
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The Skip Counts & Costs Step configuration is the only option in this section that affects what the client sees during ordering. The rest of these settings pertain to the workflow of the order after submission. |
The Work section applies to the initial status of the order and whether or not a project should be created when the order is submitted by the client. Additionally, you may configure the type of project, it's status, the project workflow, and other items to further automate this process in the system for new orders.
- Request - The order has not yet been accepted.
- Proposal - Used when you want to send a quote that the client will accept and is generally used in instances where applicable when the Skip Counts & Cost Step setting has been enabled (see Settings section of this page) .
- In Progress - Recommended for full automation where the project will automatically be created, etc.
To make a selection, click on the drop-down menu and choose the status you want to use when the client selects this option on the order form. In this example, "in In progress" will be selected.
To enable the option, tick the checkbox for the Create Project setting option and additional configuration settings options will appear below this option for selecting the project type, workflow, etc.
- Mark Online - If enabled, uploaded files will instantly be marked for online translation.
- Create Jobs - If enabled, jobs will be created for the new project based on the chosen Project Workflow. The job will automatically be , but not started.
- Start Jobs - If enabled, the job proposal will be automatically sent to the appropriate translator. Please note that this does not mean they have accepted, started, or are working on the sent job.Start Jobs - If enabled, created jobs will start automatically. <need better explanations for these options>
For example, you might want all uploaded files to be marked for online translation and for the related jobs to be created without performing additional taskscreated but not started . In this instance the jobs will be created, but not started. To do so, you would tick the checkbox next to the first two options, as shown below:
An additional
When ticking 'Start jobs', additional sub-options are displayed on the page. These options, (visible in the screenshot below) are aimed to adapt jobs and client deadline. Indeed, the desired delivery date of the client may be too long, or too short given the required work time estimated by the system. With the options below you can choose to shorten or widen job deadlines or widen the client deadline so as to align dates. The work time is calculated from the capacity specified in the selected workflow template and the word counts.
An additional tab appears within the option configuration for the project settings when a project will automatically be created in the system. These settings will be covered later on this page in the Project Settings Tab sectionare covered in more detail on the Project Settings page.
The Costing section is used to configured configure invoice creating, how to handle creation, handling of incomplete invoices, pricing, and additional settings for the submitted order.
- Never Create an Invoice - When chosen, an invoice will not be created for the submitted order when this the user option is chosen by the client. This choice should be selected when the Skip Counts & Costs Step setting has been enabled (see Settingsclick here).
- Create an Invoice - An invoice will be created based on one of the following conditions:
- When One File Can be Word Counted - This is the recommended setting when an invoice should be created, as an error would prevent invoice creation when the alternative setting is used. If one uploaded file can be successfully word counted, then an invoice will be created.
- When All Files Can be Word Counted - All files must be properly word counted in order for the invoice to be created. This can prevent the invoice from being created if a file cannot be word counted.
- When One File Can be Word Counted - This is the recommended setting when an invoice should be created, as an error would prevent invoice creation when the alternative setting is used. If one uploaded file can be successfully word counted, then an invoice will be created.
To make a selection, tick the radial next to the appropriate description. For this example, the invoice will be created when at least one uploaded file can be word counted. This selection has been made because the Skip Counts & Costs Step setting has been disabled (unticked)). For more information about this configuration setting, click here.
Incomplete Invoice
The Incomplete Invoice setting may be used to ensure that an invoice is created even if one or more costs have not been defined in the pricelist. If this option is disabled (unticked), as it is by default, then a single undefined unitary cost will prevent invoice creation.
The Show Cost Details setting contains three options and your selection will be determined from additional settings for the new user option. For example, if By default, "Hide cost details from the client in the second step of the order process" is the chosen setting.
If you have enabled the Skip Counts & Costs Step setting, then the default choice of then the default selection choice will not work as the entire second step of the order process should be skipped. Instead, you will need to select this option "Hide cost details from the client in and skip the second step of the order process" will not work as the entire . This means the second step of the order process should be skipped.form will be bypassed when completing a request.
However, you also have the choice of hiding the cost details without skipping the second step of the order process or simply showing the cost details to the client. Both options are applicable when the Skip Counts & Costs Step setting has been disabled (unticked)..
When the above option is selected in the configuration settings, Step 2 will appear as shown below:
If the cost detals details are displayed, the client will see the word counts and all cost information. If they are hidden, this information will not be displayed during the second step of the ordering process. To change this setting, simply tick the radial for the desired selection to the right of the setting's name. In this example, we will be showing the cost details to the client.
The second step will appear as shown below, when these details are not hidden from the client on the order form:
Price List & Services
To select a Price List, click on the drop-down menu and make a selection. For this example, Acme Pricelist has been chosen:
The Services setting One In the Services configuration setting, one or more tasks may already exist for the depending be selected by default depending on other selections you have made throughout the configuration. For example, this specific option already has a "Translation" Task.
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Congratulations! You have made it through the most detailed parts of the order form configuration. Next, you will need to configure the Order Details for the user option. |
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After the initial configuration of these settings, all configurations the configuration settings for the previous user option will be automatically copied to further added options making it an easy and fast process to complete the new option to ensure that completing the rest of the user options for your order formthe order form is an easy and fast process. If you create a new option from the previous, be certain to make the necesary text, workflow, project, and manager selection changes for the new option. |