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Where is the API located?

Most API methods commence with:


When accessing the API from a different computer you will need to replace "localhost" by the server public IP address, such as:

The port number may be different in your Beebox installation and you may have to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. This can be configured in the Internet Information Services (Microsoft IIS) management tool:  Change Port and SSL

Beebox SaaS

Beebox is a SaaS product. The URLs for the API and the web user interface will be sent to you upon setup.

Beebox SaaS is accessible using the HTTPS protocol. For security reasons HTTP is no longer available.

Your end point might look like: https://mycompany.beebox.wordbee/api 

Beebox on Premises

You may buy a license and host a Beebox instance on your premises. In this case you can freely define end points and ports for API and UI.

Upon a fresh install, a Beebox server exposes its UI on http://localhost:8089 and its API on http://localhost:8089/api 

Beebox on Premises is hosted on Microsoft IIS. You are able to install your certificates or expose Beebox via your corporate proxy server.

Also refer to Change Port and SSL

End points

In this documentation we denote the API endpoint using:

  • https:/{server}/api

The administrator user interface is:

  • https:/{server}

How do I work with the API?


When we describe an API method we always indicate the, so called, HTTP request methods or verbs. Make sure that your HTTP requests use the right verb. 

Continue reading: Obtaining credentials