For example, if your extension copies translated files then the parameter may be the target directory and the Beebox administrator can change the path from one project to the next.
Add parameter
Adding parameters a parameter starts with implementing the three methods below:
You could also raise an exception though this is not recommended: When triggered from the user interface a generic error message (not your exception text) would be displayed. If the extension is called from an automatic operation, the exception would be logged in the Windows event log.
Adding multiple parameters
An extension can have a single string parameter only. The project settings page shows a single input field.
If you need multiple values, then format your parameter accordingly:
As json, such as:
{ "path": "myfolder\\subfolder", "param2": "xyz" }
As semi-colon separated string:
"myfolder\subfolder; xyz"
Use Json.Net to parse json values. The Json.Net assembly does not need to be included with your package release, it is available to all extensions out of the box.