Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The navigational menu, at the top part of the screen, is divided into three different windows with the following buttons:

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First window:

Image Removed : Click on Save to keep a copy of your current translation. You can also save your work by:

  • Changing the page.
  • Activating the auto save feature (click on Image Removed and then on the General tab).


Image Removed : When working collaboratively, the reviewer can activate status bars either to validate a segment (green), or to prevent a segment from being validated (red).

Wordbee Translator checks that all segments have been translated before validating your work. If it finds an error and you decide to proceed anyway, segments are marked as Translation missing (red) but you can change the Status sign by clicking on the segment status marker.


Second Window:

Image Removed : When you click on Preview, the Document viewer panel opens (see: /wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/712080)

Image Removed : By clicking on this button, you open this window:
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To find text, follow these steps:

  • In Quick find, type the text you want to find in Find what
  • Choose if you want to find the text in the source language text or in the target language one.
  • Then, click on Find.

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To replace text, follow these steps:

  • Click on Quick replace.
  • Choose if you want to replace the word/ sentence in the source language text or in the target language text.
  • Click on Find:

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  • if you want to change the text in one segment in particular, play with the Prev and Next buttons and then, click on Replace.
  • if you want to replace the text in all the segments, click on Replace all.
  • Click on Clear to close the Find/ Replace functionality:

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Image Removed : By clicking on this button, you can filter the text:

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Status: This search criterion allows you to localize all the segments with the status you want.The status is displayed to the left of each segment:
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Bookmarks: This search criterion allows you to localize all the segments in which there is or not a bookmark active. These bookmarks can be red, blue, or grey (default color) (see: /wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/712334):

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Comments: This search criterion allows you to localize all the segments for which there is a comment. A comment is shown by an orange bubble situated at the right of the translated segments.

Revisions: this search criterion enables you to localize all the segments that have been revised.

Change date/ Last change by: these search criteria enable you to localize segments that have been modified from 1 hr to 5 days before and the ones that have been translated either by the translator/ pre-translated, etc...:

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Context: This filter enables you to localize the segments according to the way they have been exported. For example, if you point with the mouse on Image Removed (target language panel, next to the translated segments), you can see the "context" of the segment, meaning that you see if the segment is a title, a paragraph, etc. So, if you type p (standing for paragraph) in this field, you will get all the paragraphs of the text.

Labels: This filter enables you to localize the segments that have a label (Usefulness, validated OR category).

  • Click on Clear to close the Find/ Replace functionality:

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Image Removed : By clicking on this button, you display this window (screenshot below) in which you select which status (green = validated, red= translation missing or not validated) you want to apply to ALL the segments.

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Image Removed : By clicking on this button, you open this window (screenshot below) in which you select which bookmark (grey, blue or red), you want to apply to ALL the segments.
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: This filter enables you to display some segments in particular.

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Third window:

Image Removed: When you click on this button, it opens a report on the quality of the translation and you can see this table:

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'Post edited' refers to human correction of pre-translations. 'Translated' refers to human translation from scratch. 'Revision' refers to human translations/post-editing subsequently corrected by someone else.

This table shows you the quality of the pre-translation and the quality of the translator who did the work. Scores are given (for example, you can see on the screenshot above that the quality of the pre-translation is of 7.1/10 because the translator corrected 6 times the pre-translation (column New Post- edited, line: pre-translation Exact).

It is useful if you need to track work or identify any problem encountered.

If you click on "view revisions and post edit", you will see the details of revisions/ Post-editing per user.


Image Removed : Click on this button to open the Special characters window.

Image Removed : By clicking on this icon, you will open a window containing all the files attached to the project that you would be able to download if needed.


Quality Assurance will allow you to realize a precise check. The system will check all words and spaces of the translation in order to be sure that it matches the source text.

To access the Quality Assurance feature, you need to click the Image Removed button and then select the Image Removed button.

You will reach this page:

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From here you will select a profile that you can define in advance, tick the boxes if you want to allow the system to make changes on status and/or bookmarks and decide if the system has to check green segments.

Image Removed You can create as many profiles as you need depending on the clients, the language combination, etc. for example. To do so, select the customize button and select .


How to customize my QA check?

  • Click the customize button in the screen shot above. You will reach a page with several characteristics to customize. 

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Note: In each part, some characteristics will remain the same like following:


In this part, each box ticked will forbid the selected characters in the translation. Note that you can add specific characters that have to be prohibited.

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The second rule is about markups and will check all missing or wrong tags and markups.

  • Define basic characteristics like in the character part.

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The third part is about unedited pre translations.

  • Define basic characteristics.

In the options part, each box ticked will be found by the system in translation/project memories.

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This part is about punctuation.

  • Define basic characteristics.

In the options part, you can decide that sequences appearing in the source text are valid. You can also add exceptions and the system will fill in all punctuation sequences.

Note: This will work the same for the Spaces - Before punctuation part.

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This rule will check if the punctuation at the end of the segment is the same in the source and target language.

  • Define basic characteristics.

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This part concerns spaces that appear several times in the target text.

  • Define basic characteristics.

You can consider double spaces valid if they appear in the source text and you can define how full-width spaces should be translated.
Note: This will work the same for the Spaces - Leading/Trailing part.

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This rule checks if spaces and sequences match in source and target text.

  • Define basic characteristics.

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This rule checks if identical source texts are translated the same way all along the translation.

  • Define basic characteristics.

You can tick the In-context matching box if you want the system to consider two source texts identical only if they have the same context meaning that the previous and the following sentences are identical.

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This part concerns the fist letter of the translation.

  • Define basic characteristics.

You can decide if the first letter must be the same as in the source language or must be an upper case letter.

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This rule checks translation that is similar to source text.

  • Define basic characteristics.

If you tick the Case Insensitive box, the system will ignore letter case differences. It means that an upper case and a lower case will be considered the same.

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This rule will check if translation is missing.

  • Define basic characteristics.

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This part concerns repetitions.

  • Define basic characteristics.

You can allow the system to ignore case differences meaning that upper and lower case will be considered as similar.

When everything is customized, you simply click on OK, the window will close. You select OK again to run the Quality Assurance check.

Errors found by the system will appear in the translation editor:

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In this case, the system has found 26 errors contained in the red status segments. A red status stands for an error, an orange one for a warning and a blue one for information.

If you click on Results, you will reach the page with all errors detailed.

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On the left, you can see the number of the segment concerned. In red, it is the type of error. Clicking an error will show you full details. Clicking the arrow icon will jump to the segment in the editor. You can run another QA check by clicking on New.Image Added

This tab allows you to organize your work environment, by selecting the layout template to be used, but also the widgets to be displayed, the columns, and some information related to segments.

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Learn more about each available option by clicking on the links below:

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