Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Gets the word count details for jobs in all or selected languages.


NOTE: Replace */list by /api/jobs/wordcounts/list in the URLs below.


Querying data


Retrieve and query items with all or selected fields. Supports pagination.

Parameters like query string, data fields and pagination are included in the request body.

Read more
Same as above but systematically includes all data fields in the results.Read more
Same as above but returns just the grand total of jobs matching filter criteria.Read more
Get statistics such as total items per status or other criteria. Gain insight into data.Read more  
Get all fields for a specific item.Read more

Field details

Get list of data fields with name, description, data type and more information.Read more


Download filtered data to EXCEL, XML or JSON.Read more 

Advanced methods

Implement auto complete functionality for selected data fields.Read more
Load and save queries for later reuse.Read more
Load and save list/filter layouts for later reuse.Read more


A job has a unique id which is a string of the following format:

  • "c{number}" : A Codyt job. Examples: c3302, c102...
  • "s{number}" : A Standard job. Examples: s223, s994

The number in this identifier is a sequential number specific to either Codyt or Standard.


Returns a JSON array with the word count details.


This is wordcount row data that will included in the results of the above API endpoints is as follow:

jobidThe numeric job id (unique for Standard and Codyt respectively)int
didThe document
locsThe source locale.string
loctThe target locale.string

Global // Global counts
wordsTotal words. int?
charsTotal charactersint?
pagesTotal pagesint?
minutesTotal minutes to work or workedint?
wordsExcludedTotal words not included in this word count. For information
charsTranslatedTotal characters of translated contentint?
wordsTranslatedTotal words of translated contentint?

Pretranslated // Pretranslated words
wdPretransIdenticalTotal pretranslated words, whether pretranslations are 100%, 110% or


Among wdPretransIdentical, the 110% pretranslated words. Also called perfect or in-context


Among wdPretransIdentical, the 110% pretranslated words, leveraged from the previous document


Among wdPretransIdentical, the 100% pretranslated words, leveraged from the previous document


Among wdPretransIdentical, the machine translated wordsint?
wdPretransFuzzy<100% pretranslated words

wd110Total of 110% pretranslations. Equals sum of wdPretransIdenticalCtx + wdPretransIdenticalPrevCtxint
wd100Total of 100% pretranslations. Equals wdPretransIdentical - wdPretransIdenticalCtx - wdPretransIdenticalPrevCtxint

Fuzzy // Fuzzy matches (not used for pre-translation) and repetitions
wdMatch1Total words falling into interval #1. The intervals (minimum % to maximum %) are configured in the project word count
wdMatch2Total words falling into interval
wdMatch3Total words falling into interval
wdMatch4Total words falling into interval
wdMatch5Total words falling into interval

Advanced// Advanced. These properties are for information only. You are not required to populate these in word counts.

tagsTotal amount of markupint?
spacesTotal count of whitespace charactersint?
punctuationTotal punctuation charactersint?
nonAsianWordsTotal non-Asian wordsint?
asianCharactersTotal Asian characters (Japanese, Chinese, Korean signs)int?
