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Beebox-Sitecore Connector is the name of the Sitecore module distributed as a .zip and contains Sitecore following packages.


These components are installed together. Please connect Wordbee sales to obtain the Beebox Sitecore Connector package. Beebox-Sitecore Connector supports Sitecore XP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.5, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.02.

Creating the Translation DB


  • Inside the ………..\Website\App_Config\Include\Beebox folder, locate Beebox.Sitecore.config.
    • Copy the sample connection string:as displayed provided at the bottom of the Beebox.Sitecore.config or copy from the below sample.




    • Locate connectionStrings.config, usually placed at…./Website/App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config and paste the new connectionString at the bottom of existing connection strings as given below.



          Sitecore connection strings.

          All database connections for Sitecore are configured here.


      <addname="core"connectionString="user id=XX;password=XXXX;Data Source=XXXXX;Database=XXXXXXXSitecore_Core"/>

      <addname="master"connectionString="user id=XX;password=XXXX;Data Source=XXXXX;Database=Beebox71Sitecore_Master"/>

      <addname="web"connectionString="user id=XX;password=XXXX;Data Source=XXXXX;Database=Beebox71Sitecore_Web"/>





             provider connection string=&quot;

             data source=SQL Server Instance Name;

             initial catalog=Beebox_Sitecore_Translation;

             user id=username;




             providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />


    • Modify the highlighted values suitably: You will need to provide the name of SQL Server instance where we created Beebox_Sitecore_Translation database and corresponding username and password.
