Versions Compared


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cidCompany for which to return data. This parameter is mandatory. The ID can be the platform company (My Company).int, Mandatory

Optionally restricts data to a specific user within the company.

int?, Optional
 Jobs filter (optional): 
taskDelimit statistics report to jobs of this specific task type. For example: "TR", "RV"... If not set then data for jobs of any kind are loaded.string?, Optional
slocDelimit report to jobs with this source locale.string?, Optional
tlocDelimit report to jobs with this target locale.string?, Optional
managerDelimit report to jobs to projects managed by this, Optional
clientDelimit jobs report to projects (and their jobs) where the client company is this, Optional
 Date range filter (optional): 
fromyearAggregate analytical data starting with this year (2016, 2017....). If not specified then set to the current, Optional
frommonthAggregate analytical data starting with this month of the year (1, 2...12). If not specified then set to, Optional
toyearAggregate analytical data up to and including this year (2016, 2017....). If not specified then same as "fromyear".int?, Optional
tomonthAggregate analytical data up to and including this month of the year (1, 2...12). If not specified then set to, Optional
