The result is a JSON object:
members | An array of members, See member object below. | array<object> |
Each member has these properties:
cid | The company id of the member. | int | |
cnm | Company name | string | |
uid | The user/person id. If the member is the company and not a specific user then the value is null. | int? | |
unm | The user/person name. If the member is the company and not a specific user then the value is null. | string? | |
role | A localized text that explains the exact role of the person, for example:
| string See Team Member (Object) for properties. | array<object> |
Note: The mechanism for obtaining team members depend on the scope. For project and job scopes, the system looks for jobs and the project manager. For document set, resource and global search scopes members include only the people who have done text edits.