
  1. Go to the TMGMT Jobs. To access it, go first to Translation, then Jobs.

  2. Select the job from the list and Manage.

  3. If you are using Drupal 7, refresh the status of the job by clicking Refresh job.
    Using Drupal 8, the status is automatically refreshed by Beebox callbacks. In case it is not refreshed automatically, you can still use the Refresh job button.

    When the content is ready, a message The translation of XXX to XXX is finished and can now be reviewed. is visible in the Translation Job Messages.

    titleDo you know it ?

    You can automatically accept the translation from Beebox by ticking the option Auto accept finished translations in the provider settings.

  4. (Optional) Review the jobs items, and accept them.

    Check and modify the content, if needed. Then Save as completed.

    Congratulations, your content is now translated!



A conflict prevent you from sending a job to Beebox


When you would like to send a job for translation, TMGMT says "1 conflicting item has been dropped for job From {source_language} to {target_language}." and you cannot proceed.


In the Job view, filter on In progress jobs and check no active job contains the item you try to send for translation.

Be aware that a finished Job can contain unfinished Job Items. These items can prevent you from sending a content for translation, and this is not directly visible from the Jobs view.

Therefore, you should also check, in the Job Items tab, that no item is still in status "Needs review".