This chapter describes how to troubleshoot installations of Beebox- AEM Connector. During installation, you may encounter a few issues based on the configuration of your Beebox Server.


You can download the Beebox installation Guide here

Proxy Troubleshooting

The following points help in troubleshooting the proxy related issues:


Connection problems can be checked by pinging to the server's Ip and ports.

Using Telnet:

You can use telnet to chcek the Ip and port connectivity. to check if your AEM server is able to communicate with your Beebox server.

Open the command prompt and use the following command "telnet 25telnet 8089". Here stargatemyserver.beebox.terrasslwordbee.netcom is the host/IP address and 25is 8089 is the port which u want to connect to. If the connection is success, the telnet window to corresponding address opens

E.g.: telnet 25com 8089

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Using PING :

To check if you can access the connection,you can ping the server:

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Using Trace route

A tracert is similar to ping, but will show the details the connection takes to the server. This is a useful debugging tool for generic server access problems.

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Translation Troubleshooting
