Make sure that you have installed a Beebox Server instance or you have subscribed to a hosted Beebox. You can obtain trial versions from Wordbee.
CQ MSM Content update action
- Next is target language configuration. This needs to be done in case beebox language code differs from AEM language code. For example, in AEM if some language code is en_ab whereas in Beebox its en-LA, then it needs to be configured for correct translation to happen. For language codes that do not have locale and are simply “en” and “fr” like, you can start without configuring this.
Go to Settings -> Language Mappings
- Path indicator is a user defined input and it is optional.
- If the user specifies path indicator, then the target path will be changed accordingly.
E.g. For site language French(fr),
1. If path indicator is not specified, the target path would be as follows:
source path: /content/geometrixx-outdoors-4/en/men
target path: /content/geometrixx-outdoors-4/fr/men
2. If path indicator is specified as fr_FF, the target path would be as follows:
source path: /content/geometrixx-outdoors-4/en/men
target path: /content/geometrixx-outdoors-4/fr/fr_FF/men
- This needs to be done if the user wants to save the base url of the site. It can be configured from
- To configure the base url, enter the base url in "Public URL of website" text box and click on "Save" button.