Versions Compared


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In order to configure the plugin you require the web location of a Beebox server, a project key and credentials. Please see the Prerequisites page.

Once your bundle is up and running, make following configurations to start your translation workflows.

Connection to Beebox

Once you have all connection details, proceed as follows:


  • In the AEM administration, select Beebox Translation Console. 

  • On the right side on the page, press Settings then Languages Mappings.

  • Then, configure the AEM languages to map the Beebox locales.

    The Path indicator is an optional user defined input.
    If the user specifies path indicator, then the target path will be changed accordingly.

    E.g, for a site language as French (fr),

    - Source path: /content/geometrixx-outdoors-4/en/men

    - Target path: /content/geometrixx-outdoors-4/fr/men

    If path indicator is specified as fr_FR, the target path would be as follows:

    - Source path: /content/geometrixx-outdoors-4/en/men

    - Target path: /content/geometrixx-outdoors-4/fr/fr_FR/men



Path indicator is optional and one time configurable. It is advised not to change it as we will be consedering source lang through path.

Once it is configured, translated pages will be created in the path configured.

Configuring language

Once your bundle is up and running, make following configurations to start your translation workflows. 


Language configuration

 This part is mostly useful to add languages for translation in your AEM instance. Please refer to the language mappings if you need to map your current AEM languages to Beebox locales !

Before configuring the languages, you need to know:

  • The source language i.e you require translation from. Corresponding to each source language, there must be a Beebox project configured. 
  • You need to The target languages i.e. you require translation into.Then there

There is also a default asset language that will be used as source language for asset(doc, text files). 

To finally configure configure languages;:

  • Go to AEM instance In the AEM administration, select Web Console (i.e. http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr)
  • Search for “Language Info”, you will find a configuration with name “named Beebox Language Configuration”. Select  and edit it.
    Press on Edit, the The following screen would come up.

    Only these source and target languages will be available for translation.
    Each source and target language are separated by “=”.


  • Then, “English” with AEM language code as “en” would be represented as en=English
    Other languages can be configured in a similar way, with AEM language code on left of “=“ and nice name on right hand side.

Configuring Component Properties


CQ MSM Content update action



  •  This needs to be done if the user wants to save the base url of the site. It can be configured from
