The node custom/files
lists each submitted file with these properties:
did: The document ID. You will need this number for all subsequent workflow operations related to this document and its workflows (in the different target languages).
name: The name of the document in the project, including any folders.
format: The document format configuration used to extract content from the file. It shows the document format ID (see settings/documentformats/configs/list) , the format configuration name and the type of document (HTML, JSON, XML…).
exists: Indicates if the file did already exist and was replaced with this new version. If you disallowed file version updates (see
) then the next property will indicate an error.error: Null if success. Otherwise shows the specific error why the file could not be processed. This may have many reasons. For example the file might be invalid.did: The document ID. You will need this number for subsequent workflow operations such as to download the translation.
segments: The number of segments in the file.