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In the last years, MT support for MT specific language pairs has been extended by many providers, who also specialize in specific language pairs and domainsflourished in many ways. Many providers offer now 100+ language combinations, specialize in a specific domain field or train custom models that provide high-quality MT results.

Wordbee makes it easy for administrators to tailor MT systems so they can be used for specific language combinations where they perform best or based on the way they need their users to interact with them.

By configuring a metaconnectorin the MT profiles section, several MT engines can be linked through a single MT profile that can be made available in projects, orders, or jobs. When linked to self-service modules like MT Hive, using a metaconnector MT profile will be required profile is the best way to make sure the language pairs proposed in the form adhere to end user expectations.

If we take Intento as an example, we see that all languages the provider supports are enabled by default when /wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/711232. It is possible to narrow down the language pairs that need to be proposed in MT Hive by means of a metaconnector.


Follow the steps below to configure your MT Hive form with specific language pair(s) by using a metaconnector:

  1. You have the MT provider you want to enable. For this example, we will be using Intento.
    See How to enable Intento MT in Wordbee Translator

  2. There is a Metaconnetor that uses the MT engines you wish for each language pair you want to support in MT Hive.
    In this example, we make sure all language combinations required are configured here. Note you can also use the metaconnector to configure trained models, so the name of the MT profile could be based on the domain (ex. MT for finance, MT for health, etc.)
    See What is a Meta Connector?

  3. The Metaconnector you configured in (2) is linked in the MT Hive form, as a new option or as only option.
    See How to configure and assign MT Hive forms.

    1. Having several Options in the MT Form makes it possible for users to compare between several MT providers or several trained machines.
      Note that the support for the languages is linked to the MT connector configured in each option, so make sure your cover the expectated pairs for each of them.

    2. If you only want to propose a single MT provider, just keep a single option enabled in the form.
