Beebox-Sitecore Connector is the name of the Sitecore module distributed as a .zip and contains Sitecore following packages.
These components are installed together. Please connect Wordbee sales to obtain the Beebox Sitecore Connector package. Beebox-Sitecore Connector supports Sitecore XP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.5, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2.
Creating the Translation DB
We need to create a translation database required by Beebox-Sitecore Connector having two tables as described below.
- Create Database: Create a new database named “Beebox_Sitecore_Translation”.
- Create Tables: With “Beebox_Sitecore_Translation”database selected run SQL scripts “Create Translation Table” and “Create Jobs Table”.
Installing the packages
Login to Sitecore as admin and: Launch Sitecore Installation Wizard, upload and install the packages as described.
and EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll, if they are already present, skip installation of an optional package.
Setting the SQL connection string
The Beebox-Sitecore Connector will make use of the “Beebox_Sitecore_Translation” database and we need to set up the connection string appropriately so that it may access the database.
- Inside the ………..\Website\App_Config\Include\Beebox folder, locate Beebox.Sitecore.config.
- Copy the sample connection string:as displayed provided at the bottom of the Beebox.Sitecore.config or copy from the below sample.
<add name="Beebox_Sitecore_TranslationEntities"
provider connection string="
data source=SQL Server Instance Name;
initial catalog=Beebox_Sitecore_Translation;
user id=Username;
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Locate connectionStrings.config, usually placed at…./Website/App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config and paste the new connectionString at the bottom of existing connection strings as given below.
Sitecore connection strings.
All database connections for Sitecore are configured here.
<add name="core"connectionString="user id=XX;password=XXXX;Data Source=XXXXX;Database=XXXXXXXSitecore_Core"/>
<add name="master"connectionString="user id=XX;password=XXXX;Data Source=XXXXX;Database=Beebox71Sitecore_Master"/>
<add name="web"connectionString="user id=XX;password=XXXX;Data Source=XXXXX;Database=Beebox71Sitecore_Web"/>
<add name="Beebox_Sitecore_TranslationEntities"
provider connection string="
data source=SQL Server Instance Name;
initial catalog=Beebox_Sitecore_Translation;
user id=username;
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Modify the highlighted values suitably: You will need to provide the name of the SQL Server instance where we created the Beebox_Sitecore_Translation database and corresponding username and password.
Verify the installation of Beebox-Sitecore connector
Once the above steps are performed successfully, we will have a visual clue of success in the form of a few Beebox Applications, tabs on ribbons and context menu on items.
Beebox Item Content Menu: Select any item from the content tree, right click to find new Beebox Translate Item commands as given in the screenshot below
Inherit Beebox Field Translation Setting Template
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