How does Wordbee Translator manage pre-translations and fuzzy matches?


What is the difference between a 100% pre-translation and a 100% match and why are they considered differently in Wordbee?


  • 100 % Pre-translation - When you add a file to your project and mark the file for online translation, the system will populate any segments it finds a match for in the project memories. This can be from a previously translated document in the same project or from an attached translation memory. When you click on these segments in the Editor, you will see the 'origin' of this pre-translation (an attached TM, the PM if the segment was already available in another file of the project, etc.). The hit that was used to pre-translate is usually listed at top of the list... However, there are different criteria to check if several of the matches listed get the same 100% rate (see article: How does the system lookup and retrieve the best translations for pre-translation or during Editor work?). 

  • 100 % match - When you add a file to your project and mark it for online translation, the system automatically identifies repetitions in the source language that have no pre-translations in the PM or TM. Once one of these “empty” target segments is translated the Translation finder will show the results for the other 100% matched segments once the user clicks into the next occurrence of the repetition. Once the segment is saved the system will “copy” that translation to the other occurrences automatically if auto-propagation is enabled.

​Because you can only pre-translate during the file-preparation process, once the file is marked for online translation, any match that appears already populated in the target segments is considered a pre-translation. By looking at the 'detailed word count report' you see more information about the origin of the pre-translations in a file. This helps understand better what is the leveraging ratio you get from project files vs. attached memories (see article: View the detailed word count report).

Learn more

How does the system lookup and retrieve the best translations for pre-translation or during Editor work?)

View the detailed word count report

How and why does Wordbee handle pre-translations and matches differently?

Configuring word count profiles

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